Books Read in 2020

Books Read in 2020

One of the few good things that came from the pandemic was me getting to read a lot more. Minus my university years, I think I read more than any other time in my life. 10 books in total, spanning from some good fiction, geopolitical theory, layman’s neurology and some great biographies.


Altough it’s 60 years old, it reminded me of Japan’s magic and why I fell in love with it.


About half way to 70 myself, this book provided lots to reflect on and some insights into how I may see the world when I’m 70.


The first thorough biography I’ve read in my life. Really connected me with the author, whose books and life I really got into.


An adventure for sure, but too many lives tragically wasted in the name of…..what?



Affirmation that jack-of-all-trade folks (aka generalists) actually have hope and even a competitive advantage



A good read for both the Japan pessimest and optimist. Tells how Japan might be alright after all.



Sobering forecast of what is to come for global geopolitics. Not a very rosy picture, but pragmatic one worth noting.



Well before its time (its 89 years old) this story is eerily forecasting what may be soon to come.



A little mystic, but mostly just about friendship and growing up. A great story by the way.



The science behind how the brain works, explained in laymans’ terms. Best takeaway: letting your mind wander actually helps performance and creativity.


What interesting things did you read in 2020?