Meet Grey Notes

Welcome to Grey Notes!

Almost a year into the pandemic, I am finally putting to action something I’ve been pushing myself to do for a while: to write, about things.


I don’t want to look back at this crazy time of COVID and be reminded of how much I missed out on because of all the limitations and lost opportunities. Not sure when we will be back to normal, but whenever we are, I want to be able to say something like “hey, I actually used the extra time on my hands to do something meaningful.” Grey Notes is an attempt to build something during a time that is limiting us in so many ways.

I’ve always had a love/hate relationship with writing and I want to turn it into a more meaningful one. Like most things that require effort, I always dread the task of writing; but the end product usually brings me great satisfaction and joy. I also think that I suffer from a bit of an impostor syndrome when it comes to writing. More on imposter syndrome in a soon to come article, but all to say, I often lack confidence in what I am writing; and I want to change that. You all will be the judge of actually how enjoyable and useful my writing is, but either way, I am excited about pushing myself to write clear and meaningful things. Grey Notes is a project for me and its contributors to sharpen their thought process and the writing skills to convey such thoughts.

Most imporantly, Grey Notes is a space for us all to share and discover interesting things.


Our approach may evolve over time, but for now its quite simple: be a virtual magazine to float thoughts and lifehacks and dive into our passion for music, books, places and life stories.

We will post each new article on our blog and file it under one or more of our Focus Areas. As we grow out our content base, new visitors will be able to dive directly into the focus areas that interest them. Longer term, our hope is that the collection of articles may turn into something of a niche-encyclopedia.

To get things started we are relying on friends and family for content authoring, but look forward to welcoming other interested folks in the near future. Please reach out to us if you have any ideas for an article. We do have some editorial guidelines; mainly keeping things apolitical, avoiding absolute proclamations (remember, most things are grey) and sticking to our Focus Areas.

This is a new frontier for me and an area I have very little experience. Any feedback or ideas are greatly welcomed. Just sent me an email ;)

That’s it for now!

The Editor


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